Old habits die hard, I suppose...because I am absolutely TERRIBLE at this whole blogging thing. I promise you, I have good intentions. But when it comes down to it, I am that girl who forgets to take pictures during vacations and write down my thoughts when I'm thinking about them. Every once in a while I get inspired by something and decide to write, usually when I read someone else's blog. Have I mentioned that I'm going to school for journalism? Yeahhhh, fail on my part.
Anywaaaays.. The thing that inspired me to write tonight is the fact that my 21st birthday is in a few days. Obviously the first thing that comes to mind is "party party party", and yes I am unashamed to admit that I am looking forward to that aspect. I do enjoy wine, beer, the occasional vodka, and the 2 for 1 margaritas at the Mexican place by us (that has become a weekly tradition with my future sister and mother-in-law). But mostly I think about this past year and how much has changed. This year has been one of the most exciting and scary years of my life. Between working towards my degree, traveling to see Jake, welcoming my niece into the world, getting engaged, and moving far away from the place I had built my life around....it was a pretty eventful year. I have lived in the Memphis area for about 4 months now and it has been quite the adventure.
When people asked me what I do on a daily basis, it's hard for me to answer. Right now I am not working and I have taken the semester off- which I have mixed feelings about. But with moving and adjusting and the ridiculously high out-of-state tuition, taking the semester off seemed to be the best choice. Sorry, I feel like I'm rambling...so back to what I was talking about. What do I do? Well, Jake and I have a 3 bedroom house. His sister lives with us temporarily, because she works full time and is trying to get her RN degree. Jake and I have 2 adopted dogs, Winston and Lucy, and an adopted cat named Simon. Apparently we are suckers for homeless animals, but I'm okay with that. His sister, Andrea, has a golden retriever who lives with us as well. So yes, my house is a small farm. They are a lot of work, but I love them so much that I cant be mad about it. We just take it day by day around here, and hope that Lucy doesn't find a stray shoe laying around.
Before moving, the idea of having my own house to decorate and do what I wish in was an amazing idea. And trust me, it has been fun. But having a house is a lot of work. I must admit, I've never had much of a knack for cleaning (maybe this stems from having 2 clean freaks for parents who constantly hammered the idea of having a pristine house into my head...I blame them for ruining the idea of cleaning for me) but somehow I manage to keep up with this house. Our floors are constantly dirty from having a muddy backyard and 3 big dogs, and at first I was cleaning the floors everyday. Now I usually do it once a week, unless its super bad. I also do Jake's and my laundry. I am also trying to slowly coax myself into the kitchen. I am not a cook. Jake is good at cooking, and a lot of times he will whip something up...but I have been trying to experiment and find easy recipes for cooking-challenged people like me (thank you, Pinterest!). I also try to keep myself busy, and somehow I have succeeded! I like to go out and about and explore the giant and confusing area of Memphis, and spend time with my hardworking fiance who is gone a lot. I am also spending a lot of time with my new family, who have been lifesavers during this whole process. So when I think of my days, the blur together in a whirlwind of dog hair, dirty dishes, loads of laundry, random errands, making this house a home, and remembering to stop and enjoy the small moments with my husband-to-be. Sometimes I am ashamed that while he is out working long hours at a very stressful and demanding job, my life is pretty easy at the moment. At times, I feel like I am in a rut. But I know I will get there, I will find a job that is fitting for me and I will get back to school this fall. "Everything will be alright" is what Jake is always telling me, which while frustrating at times, is also comforting.
I'm probably boring you to tears right now, but it feels good to get my thoughts out.
I've been doing this thing lately where I make lists, even if its just in my head, of what makes me happy that day or what I am looking forward to.
This is todays list:
Going for a walk with my dogs on this beautiful day
Seeing flowers at Walmart today, and thinking about the gardening I will be doing soon
The fact that I get to see my family and friends in 5 days!!!!!
Finding a part time J.O.B.
Thinking about the family Jake and I will start eventually (I am guilty of having frequent cases of baby fever)
Spending tomorrow with my handsome man, because he has the day off
Make a list, it makes you appreciate what you have and what you have to look forward to. I think we all need to stop and realize that every now and again. And although there has been a lot of big changes this past year for just one 20 year old, I am thankful for every second of it.
Saturday, April 20, 2013
Thursday, October 25, 2012
Tonight my family- mom, dad, sister, brother-in-law, fur niece (piper the pup) and my little nugget of a niece, got together at my sister's house and watched the Tigers game. Even though they lost (boo), we had a great night.
Little family nights are my favorite. I'm so lucky to have them in my life. And it's been so fun to have little Charlotte to "ooh" and "ahh" over.
Anyways, today was a happy day. With the perfect mix of some sunshine, the new Taylor Swift cd, some family time, and the fact that it is now officially the weekend (no Friday classes for me!).
Tomorrow I get to spend the day with one of my best girl friends, and somehow I have the weekend off from homework. Life is great, people.
Hope you all have a great weekend, and are appreciating the little things in life like I am at the moment!
Happy blogging!
Little family nights are my favorite. I'm so lucky to have them in my life. And it's been so fun to have little Charlotte to "ooh" and "ahh" over.
Anyways, today was a happy day. With the perfect mix of some sunshine, the new Taylor Swift cd, some family time, and the fact that it is now officially the weekend (no Friday classes for me!).
Tomorrow I get to spend the day with one of my best girl friends, and somehow I have the weekend off from homework. Life is great, people.
Hope you all have a great weekend, and are appreciating the little things in life like I am at the moment!
Happy blogging!
Holy cow, it is almost November.
And I haven't posted on here in what feels like forever... but last night I had the sudden inspiration to remodel my blog...so now I feel the need for a new blog post to go along with it.
I have absolutely no idea where to start. This is what I get for not keeping up on blog posts...shame on me.
First off, I've been busy with school. My classes are okay...with the exception of my history class.....and my physics class. I could definitely live without them. But other than that, classes are going smoothly and I think I will survive the semester.
Also, I got a gym membership. Which was going great, and I was noticing some results...but then things got hectic and I wasn't going as diligently. But not to worry...I am trying to get back into routine.
On to bigger news...
I am officially an aunt!
My sister gave birth to a beautiful, healthy baby girl named Charlotte.
She's such a little nugget and I'm in love with her.
Alright, alright...I'll show you. I know you are all dying to see.
And I haven't posted on here in what feels like forever... but last night I had the sudden inspiration to remodel my blog...so now I feel the need for a new blog post to go along with it.
I have absolutely no idea where to start. This is what I get for not keeping up on blog posts...shame on me.
First off, I've been busy with school. My classes are okay...with the exception of my history class.....and my physics class. I could definitely live without them. But other than that, classes are going smoothly and I think I will survive the semester.
Also, I got a gym membership. Which was going great, and I was noticing some results...but then things got hectic and I wasn't going as diligently. But not to worry...I am trying to get back into routine.
On to bigger news...
I am officially an aunt!
My sister gave birth to a beautiful, healthy baby girl named Charlotte.
She's such a little nugget and I'm in love with her.
Alright, alright...I'll show you. I know you are all dying to see.
I know that I may be a little biased, but she is one of the cutest things I've ever seen. And in case any of you were wondering, no it does not get old watching a baby for hours. I love being an auntie already, and I'm assuming that it just keeps getting better and better!
Other big news, wedding planning. Nothing huge to report on yet but according to Pinterest, my wedding will be pretty awesome (haha). I spend a large percentage of my days daydreaming about wedding stuff. We have found a location, and are 99% sure we want our big day to happen there! More on that later, I'm sure.
If you want to see my inspiration, here is my wedding interest board.
Other huge news... I AM OFFICIALLY MOVING IN JANUARY, PEOPLE! As in the beginning of January. As in a few months. Bitter sweet, leaving all my family and friends. But I am so excited about this new journey! We will be back living in Michigan, soon. It will definitely be nice living in the same state, let alone house, as my fiancé for a change. Also, living in the south and not having to deal with snow for a while is definitely something I am looking forward to. Deathly hot summers, not so much. I am in the process of slowly packing up my room (summer stuff is all packed and ready to go), and figuring stuff out about transferring schools. Exciting stuff.
But to top off the whole moving process, I will be moving into a house! YES, EVERYONE, JAKE BOUGHT A HOUSE!! I am so excited, I can't explain how excited I am. I am so proud of my husband-to-be, and I am so thrilled to be sharing this experience with him. He is so cute about it all, constantly buying little stuff for the house. I am going down for a long weekend in early November to see the house and help pick some stuff out. I haven't even seen it in person yet and I love it!
Did I mention it has a walk-in closet?
Here it is..
Jake in front of the house :)
Here it is, everyone! So happy, happy, happy!
Anyways, life is good. Lots of big changes, and new things! I hope you have been having as an amazing fall as I have!
Talk to you soon xx
Tuesday, July 17, 2012
Wow. It has been WAY WAY WAY too long since I have wrote to all of you fellow bloggers...
I'd like to start off by saying hello, again...how are you? What's new?
What's new with me, you ask?
Well, for starters, I have found out I will be an aunt to a LITTLE BABY GIRL! (insert clapping, crying, jumping, dancing, etc. here)
Just to clear things up, I wasn't partial to one sex, I would have loved a little nephew. But come on... a little girl means lots and lots of pink...and I love pink.
My sister and her husband have been house hunting, and it seems that things are looking up and they may have found "the one".
Yay for them!!
My other "niece"...little miss Quinn (view my previous posts, she frequents them) turned one (insert weepy face)...time sure does fly. Cant wait to see her grow into the little diva I know she is destined to be. For the record, I got her a mini picnic table and a purse for her birthday...Im hoping to have many picnics in the future :)
Another thing to be happy about...I finished my summer class, and not only did I finish it- I also got an A! Yay for Amanda. Now time to job hunt...anyone know some place thats hiring?
And yes...last but not least.... I'M ENGAGED!
So weird to even write (type) those words. On Saturday, I flew to Mississippi for an 18 day trip (yay!)...that night my high school (middle school. lol) sweet heart got down on one knee. It was totally unexpected, honest! I had no idea. But I am so so so so so so SO SO SO SO excited.
I'd like to start off by saying hello, again...how are you? What's new?
What's new with me, you ask?
Well, for starters, I have found out I will be an aunt to a LITTLE BABY GIRL! (insert clapping, crying, jumping, dancing, etc. here)
Just to clear things up, I wasn't partial to one sex, I would have loved a little nephew. But come on... a little girl means lots and lots of pink...and I love pink.
My sister and her husband have been house hunting, and it seems that things are looking up and they may have found "the one".
Yay for them!!
My other "niece"...little miss Quinn (view my previous posts, she frequents them) turned one (insert weepy face)...time sure does fly. Cant wait to see her grow into the little diva I know she is destined to be. For the record, I got her a mini picnic table and a purse for her birthday...Im hoping to have many picnics in the future :)
Another thing to be happy about...I finished my summer class, and not only did I finish it- I also got an A! Yay for Amanda. Now time to job hunt...anyone know some place thats hiring?
And yes...last but not least.... I'M ENGAGED!
So weird to even write (type) those words. On Saturday, I flew to Mississippi for an 18 day trip (yay!)...that night my high school (middle school. lol) sweet heart got down on one knee. It was totally unexpected, honest! I had no idea. But I am so so so so so so SO SO SO SO excited.
For you nosy people out there...this is the ring! Absolutely perfect :)
Needless to say, I have already had my nose buried in Pinterest, even though we will be having a long engagement. But come on, its never too early to start planning right?!?
I appreciate all the wishes, the support, and the love you have sent our way! Right now we are just enjoying our time together, in fact my future husband-to-be is on his way home from work!
I promise to keep you all posted on this journey!
Have a good week, everyone!
Tuesday, May 8, 2012
It has been a little while since I have wrote, and it is funny how a short amount of time your frame of mind and hopes and dreams and moods and friends and everything changes. I turned twenty years old, which is so bizarre to me. I know that in the aspect of my life to come, I have a long future ahead of me. But when I picture myself, the little girl with a big imagination doesn't seem so far away. Perhaps it is because I keep her tucked away, near and dear to my heart...or perhaps its because that is who I will always be- a little girl with a big imagination. Either way, I'm thankful for her because she is who pushes me to follow my dreams and not give up on them. She is the spontaneous one, the one with the crazy ideas that have, at times, gotten me a little in over my head. She is the one who gets lost in book after book, and sees her life in a certain, perfect way. On the other end of the spectrum of my heart, there is the cautious, realistic me. She is the one who questions, who excruciatingly over-analyzes everything. She balances, humbles, reasons with me. She is the one who tells me that I need to be better, to grow up faster. I suppose that I am thankful for both, they form me. They are who I have always been. As I am approaching my third year of college, and am miserably taking summer classes (thanks realistic me!) I have been thinking about my future- in all ways. I have been back and forth with majors, with friends, with attitudes. But something always stays the same, I have always loved to write. It is a way that I have always been able to express my feelings in ways that make sense to me. When I was a little girl, and I would play house or be playing with my barbies I would always choose one career to make-believe for myself...I was a journalist from a big city. Well things have changed, my world has changed, and I may never live in a big city, like New York or Chicago...but I know that my one true love is writing, and I want to share that with others. It is such a huge step, choosing your career. It is a scary step. But I'm confident that this is what I want to do, and that is truly the greatest feeling to have. While making this decision, I've also found other things that are important to me. I know that I want to be there for my boyfriend, while he grows into a man that I have become so proud of. I know that I want to be there for those friends that I can truly call my best friends, and grow with them and learn with them and laugh with them. I know that I want to be there for my family, to remain a strong support system, to be there for my sister when she has my niece or nephew, and to love that little baby unconditionally. Life is stressful sometimes, and sometimes it all feels too overwhelming, but those two little girls still living in my heart won't let me give up. I'm happy, for all the little and big things in my life and I'm thankful for all of the little miracles in life. Maybe it is just the summer sun messing with my head, making me this crazy, happy person...but I feel lucky and loved and ready for the future...and that is a nice feeling to have.
Tuesday, April 3, 2012
I am finally an owner of the beloved iPhone. So exciting, I know. It may make me a huge nerd to say this, but I am OBSESSED with it. Seriously. Can't even put it down. I used to have a blackberry, and before I got the iPhone it was around 2 years old. So it was definitely time for an upgrade! I'm still learning all of the crazy stuff you can do with it, but I'm learnin'- slowly but surely!
I'm also a newfound member of Instagram. And after using it for 4 days, I feel like I'm a professional photographer ha ha.
Here are a few fun pictures I've taken so far :-)
Follow me at @mandyloulou
Anyways, that has been the highlight of my week. Also, talking to a college recruiter about transferring in the fall and having a job interview at Babys R Us :-) which went really well!
My friend and I went out on her paddle boat today, and we just floated around her pond in her backyard which was fun and makes me want summer to come really bad!
This month is my birthday month, which means I will be 20 years old which seems kinda crazy. I'm excited for the birthday plans we have decided on- which is dinner and dancing. My boyfriend and I are also planning on me to visit at the end of this month, which is super exciting, of course! Other than that, the month of April has been pretty uneventful so far. I'm keeping my fingers crossed for my sister and brother-in-law in hopes that they find a house soon! And I'm hoping her pregnancy continues to go on without any glitches! Only 20 more days until the end of this school semester, and then I will be starting my summer semester. Which means I will be busy busy busy!
Happy blogging!
I'm also a newfound member of Instagram. And after using it for 4 days, I feel like I'm a professional photographer ha ha.
Here are a few fun pictures I've taken so far :-)
Follow me at @mandyloulou
Anyways, that has been the highlight of my week. Also, talking to a college recruiter about transferring in the fall and having a job interview at Babys R Us :-) which went really well!
My friend and I went out on her paddle boat today, and we just floated around her pond in her backyard which was fun and makes me want summer to come really bad!
This month is my birthday month, which means I will be 20 years old which seems kinda crazy. I'm excited for the birthday plans we have decided on- which is dinner and dancing. My boyfriend and I are also planning on me to visit at the end of this month, which is super exciting, of course! Other than that, the month of April has been pretty uneventful so far. I'm keeping my fingers crossed for my sister and brother-in-law in hopes that they find a house soon! And I'm hoping her pregnancy continues to go on without any glitches! Only 20 more days until the end of this school semester, and then I will be starting my summer semester. Which means I will be busy busy busy!
Happy blogging!
Thursday, March 15, 2012
So, I know that the first day of spring isn't until March 20th but the weather has been so nice lately that I can't help but be super excited!
Can you believe that? If this is the result of global warming, I can't say I'm opposed to the whole thing. I have been in such a great and motivated mood this week! This is total flipflop weather. Another thing I'm excited for is my 20th birthday! It's in a little over a month- April 22nd, and then Jake's birthday is May 20th. Which, on a separate note, I have no idea what to get him!! I still have time, so I'm hoping a fantastic idea pops in my head in the next month or so. But for my birthday, I went a little shoe crazy. My grandmother is getting me TWO pairs of Toms (the most comfortable shoes, literally ever). They are just too cute!
Can you believe that? If this is the result of global warming, I can't say I'm opposed to the whole thing. I have been in such a great and motivated mood this week! This is total flipflop weather. Another thing I'm excited for is my 20th birthday! It's in a little over a month- April 22nd, and then Jake's birthday is May 20th. Which, on a separate note, I have no idea what to get him!! I still have time, so I'm hoping a fantastic idea pops in my head in the next month or so. But for my birthday, I went a little shoe crazy. My grandmother is getting me TWO pairs of Toms (the most comfortable shoes, literally ever). They are just too cute!
Black Crochet Women's Classics
Yellow Palmetto Women's Classics
If you have never heard of Toms shoes before, it's a pretty cool company. For every pair of shoes you buy, they help a child in need. Click [here] to visit the website.
Anyways, I'm really excited!
Have a good weekend, bloggers, it's almost Friday! :-)
Wednesday, March 14, 2012
I feel like this is the most dreaded season for girls. Don't get me wrong, I LOVE summer...but for all us curvy girls summer can be a little stressful knowing that you're gonna have to wear a bikini- especially after the winter months where you become pale and fat. Luckily, I have been tanning here and there...but I'm guilty of gaining a few extra pounds through the winter and I'm ready to shed them!
First of all, I've been starting a "diet". I'm not doing anything extreme, I don't believe in extreme. I am simply keeping track of my calorie intake (nothing too scientific, just being aware), drinking tons and tons of water, and I made a pact with myself to not eat fast food or drink soda until my birthday (which is April 22nd). I've tried diets before but, lets face it, diets are boring! This is a more reasonable approach to losing weight, I'm keeping my meal portion size down and trying to focus on eating healthier alternatives. Although I'm not Catholic I'm participating in my own sort of "Lent", if you will, where I gave up two things- fast food and pop, and I cannot consume them until my birthday! So far so good. I've actually noticed that I've shed a pound or two, and I'm feeling great!
Another thing I have started is a series of work out videos. It is similar to P90X, but less expensive and it includes a weight. It is call Kettle Worx. For those of you familiar with the P90X system, Kettle Worx is similar in the way that they go by each week. Kettle Worx is a six week program, that includes everything from core work outs to cardio work outs. When I did the introductory video alone I was unbelievably sore the next day!
These are the videos you get:
First of all, I've been starting a "diet". I'm not doing anything extreme, I don't believe in extreme. I am simply keeping track of my calorie intake (nothing too scientific, just being aware), drinking tons and tons of water, and I made a pact with myself to not eat fast food or drink soda until my birthday (which is April 22nd). I've tried diets before but, lets face it, diets are boring! This is a more reasonable approach to losing weight, I'm keeping my meal portion size down and trying to focus on eating healthier alternatives. Although I'm not Catholic I'm participating in my own sort of "Lent", if you will, where I gave up two things- fast food and pop, and I cannot consume them until my birthday! So far so good. I've actually noticed that I've shed a pound or two, and I'm feeling great!
Another thing I have started is a series of work out videos. It is similar to P90X, but less expensive and it includes a weight. It is call Kettle Worx. For those of you familiar with the P90X system, Kettle Worx is similar in the way that they go by each week. Kettle Worx is a six week program, that includes everything from core work outs to cardio work outs. When I did the introductory video alone I was unbelievably sore the next day!
These are the videos you get:
And then you get your choice of a kettle bell weight- they come anywhere from 5 pounds to 20. My mom and I got the 5 pound weight to start off with.
Even though the videos can be a little cheesy at times, I love it. I'm working literally every muscle in my body while doing them and it's awesome! Way more fun than just running on a treadmill.
For those of you looking to lose a few pounds, I really reccommend these videos! Wish me luck this month! I'll keep you posted :-)
Monday, March 12, 2012
I know that I am a bit early with the whole dying-your-hair-when-its-warm-out thing...usually girls start this phenomenon when summer starts, but I suppose I got a little over-excited. During my trip to visit Jake, the weather was beautiful! All 70's and 80's, so can you really blame me?
Here are some pictures:
Happy Monday, Bloggers! :-)
Here are some pictures:
...I went really, really blonde. I had brown hair before, and it was pretty dark. I'm enjoying having blonde hair so far, it's fun and different for me! The only downfall is having to go back in and get my roots, etcetera re-dyed. But I can deal with that. It also sort of made my hair dry, so I've been using more products than usual to try and get some moisture back! For anyone else having that problem, I've been using Organix products (found at any grocery store or drug store), argan oil, and heat protectant spray (I've been using Chi Thermal Protection spray). I've also been trying to grow my hair out, its been cut in a bob-style for about 2 years now so I'm ready to have long hair back!
Happy Monday, Bloggers! :-)
For those of you who have read my blog before...you might notice that I completely remodeled my blog, and also changed the name! My blog was formally called "Insert Creative Name Here"...I always knew it would be a temporary name because it was something I came up with just to get my blog started. The other day the name "Dirty Laundry" came to me. I felt that the name fit my blog, because my blog is an outlet for me to talk about whatever...the good and the bad. And if you've all heard the phrase "airing your dirty laundry" you know where this thought came from. Behind every girl is a basket of dirty laundry... ;-)
Thank you, Carrissa, for helping me out with the blog design!
Thank you, Carrissa, for helping me out with the blog design!
Tuesday, March 6, 2012
Now that I am home and back to school, I am in a post-vacation slump. It's hard when your boyfriend lives 11 hours away by car, 1 hour and 30 minutes by plane, one time zone, 3 states, and all that other crap that gets in the way! And as thankful as I truly, truly am to be able to visit...it is really hard to go spend time with him for a week plus and then have to leave! Some say that long distance relationships never work, but they do if you can just keep your faith in one-another. It is so hard, I would never deny that. There are a lot of moments that I wish he was here to share special moments with me, but I know that he is always a phone call away and he does a pretty darn good job of supporting me all the way from Mississippi. But I miss him, every day!
But as our relationship grows, we have learned ways that make this whole complicated thing work!
1. Text like you are in middle school again! For obvious reasons, we cannot talk constantly on the phone. He has work, and I have classes so texting is a great way to keep in touch throughout the day. It's also a good way to keep getting to know each other. I have known Jake since I was 13 years old, but there are still things that I learn about him that I never knew before. It's also a plus getting cute texts throughout the day that always make me smile ;-)
2. Long conversations at night! I know that we have all had that 7 hour conversation back in middle school or high school with a boy we liked that just made you so giddy. When Jake gets off work, it is so nice to sit down and talk on the phone for an hour and talk about our days. Its a great way to talk about everything, with the added bonus of not having the distractions we would have if we were talking in person.
3. Skype! I would like to thank the creators of Skype, because as nice as cell phones are...it is awesome getting to actually see him every once in a while! Plus I get to see his doggies too, which is definitely a plus :-)
4. Communication skills! As you can see, long distance relationships are based off of communicating! When you don't see each other on a daily basis, your relationship has to revolve around trust and making sure you are talking to one-another. We have been at this for quite a few months now, and I can honestly say that our communication skills are pretty awesome.
5. The excitement before the visit! I just love booking my flight, and letting the countdown begin! I always put the countdowns in my planner for school so that every day I am reminded that I am one day closer! And nothing beats the feeling of when your plane touches down and you know that in moments you get to see the person you love! Talk about butterflies. I just can't wait until I'm counting down the days before I move there.
6. The added vacation, on top of spending quality time together! When I get to visit Jake, I also get to visit the awesome city he lives in. He technically lives in a nice town in Mississippi...but he is about 20 minutes away from Memphis- which is amazing! Downtown Memphis is a great vacation spot. Plus, during the cold months, Mississippi is a nice warm getaway from dreary Michigan.
It may not be much, but for me it is everything. Maybe not everyone can do it, but I think we are doing a pretty good job and I think that our relationship is becoming stronger because of it. It definitely has its pitfalls, but I know that we are going to be living in the same state someday and until then we will just keep making things work. For those of you who are forgoing the battle of a long distance relationship, hang in there! It is definitely not impossible, and if you love that person it is definitely worth it!
:-) I love you, Jake!
See how much he loves me! Ha ha this was from my last trip, and as you can tell he was a little sick of me taking pictures of him! This was the "smile" he gave me that I asked for.
But as our relationship grows, we have learned ways that make this whole complicated thing work!
1. Text like you are in middle school again! For obvious reasons, we cannot talk constantly on the phone. He has work, and I have classes so texting is a great way to keep in touch throughout the day. It's also a good way to keep getting to know each other. I have known Jake since I was 13 years old, but there are still things that I learn about him that I never knew before. It's also a plus getting cute texts throughout the day that always make me smile ;-)
2. Long conversations at night! I know that we have all had that 7 hour conversation back in middle school or high school with a boy we liked that just made you so giddy. When Jake gets off work, it is so nice to sit down and talk on the phone for an hour and talk about our days. Its a great way to talk about everything, with the added bonus of not having the distractions we would have if we were talking in person.
3. Skype! I would like to thank the creators of Skype, because as nice as cell phones are...it is awesome getting to actually see him every once in a while! Plus I get to see his doggies too, which is definitely a plus :-)
4. Communication skills! As you can see, long distance relationships are based off of communicating! When you don't see each other on a daily basis, your relationship has to revolve around trust and making sure you are talking to one-another. We have been at this for quite a few months now, and I can honestly say that our communication skills are pretty awesome.
5. The excitement before the visit! I just love booking my flight, and letting the countdown begin! I always put the countdowns in my planner for school so that every day I am reminded that I am one day closer! And nothing beats the feeling of when your plane touches down and you know that in moments you get to see the person you love! Talk about butterflies. I just can't wait until I'm counting down the days before I move there.
6. The added vacation, on top of spending quality time together! When I get to visit Jake, I also get to visit the awesome city he lives in. He technically lives in a nice town in Mississippi...but he is about 20 minutes away from Memphis- which is amazing! Downtown Memphis is a great vacation spot. Plus, during the cold months, Mississippi is a nice warm getaway from dreary Michigan.
It may not be much, but for me it is everything. Maybe not everyone can do it, but I think we are doing a pretty good job and I think that our relationship is becoming stronger because of it. It definitely has its pitfalls, but I know that we are going to be living in the same state someday and until then we will just keep making things work. For those of you who are forgoing the battle of a long distance relationship, hang in there! It is definitely not impossible, and if you love that person it is definitely worth it!
:-) I love you, Jake!
Friday, March 2, 2012
Well this was technically my third trip to Mississippi- my first trip was in November for a weekend visit, the second trip was in the end of December through the beginning of January, and now I'm back!
First of all, I was FINALLY happy with my flights this time- everything went smoothly and everything was on time! My first two travels to Mississippi were a little rocky, I had delays both times :-(
So, when I arrived at the Memphis Airport, I was welcomed with sunny, beautiful weather! My first day here was nearly 80 degrees! A welcomed change from the 30 degree weather in Michigan.
When I arrived, we took a nap and then went out for a nice dinner at O'Charley's (a place I fell in love with during my first visit) where we ate out on the patio- I was in a short-sleeved shirt and capris, I would like to add!
I was also super excited to see Winston, Jake's little mutt puppy! He is getting so big!
First of all, I was FINALLY happy with my flights this time- everything went smoothly and everything was on time! My first two travels to Mississippi were a little rocky, I had delays both times :-(
So, when I arrived at the Memphis Airport, I was welcomed with sunny, beautiful weather! My first day here was nearly 80 degrees! A welcomed change from the 30 degree weather in Michigan.
When I arrived, we took a nap and then went out for a nice dinner at O'Charley's (a place I fell in love with during my first visit) where we ate out on the patio- I was in a short-sleeved shirt and capris, I would like to add!
I was also super excited to see Winston, Jake's little mutt puppy! He is getting so big!
I apologize for the crappy cellphone quality, and the mess! But this is Winston, my little baby.
He was awesome company for the days Jake had to work, and a very good cuddle-bug at night.
The morning after my arrival, we went to a huge mall in Memphis to get Jake's watch sized (I got him a Fossil watch for Valentine's Day).
Jake did awesome while picking out my Valentine's Day gift! He surprised me with three stuffed animals, a big box of chocolates, a giant sucker, a chocolate rose, the movie Breaking Dawn Part 1. He also got me a pair of Ray-Ban Sunglasses!
I loved everything!
The rest of our days were spent together and apart, unfortunately he has a demanding work schedule. So during the days that he was at work I kept myself busy, including coloring pictures (ha ha).
One of my favorite days here was spent at the movies. We went and saw Wanderlust, which turned out to be a pretty bad movie, but we had such a fun day. We went to a great local Mexican restaurant for lunch, and we had time to kill before the movie so we had fun at the arcade in the theatre.
That night, Jake took me fishing for my first time ever! We brought the dogs, and had a blast!
We went to a great little park like three minutes away from his apartment!
The next day was filled with running errands and preparing for Jake's new bedroom furniture! After it was delivered, we sorted and cleaned his room- and it really turned out great!
Again, sorry for the crappy phone quality! But this is the new furniture, he also got a media cabinet which you cannot see in the picture! He was very excited, it was cute.
For the remainder of my time here, I have been relaxing and hanging out with Jake and his family. Jake's mom is a professional hairdresser, and we decided to dye my hair! I am a natural brunette, but I decided to go blondish! I was pretty excited, and I really love the outcome.
Tonight is my last night :-( I'm bummed. But I am so thankful that I got to spend my spring break with my boyfriend, and I can't wait to come back! The quality time and warm weather were a welcomed change!
Wednesday, February 15, 2012
Tuesday, February 14, 2012
Monday, February 13, 2012
I have wanted a fedora for about a year now. I got one the other day, and I am pretty excited about it. Now alls I need is springtime to arrive.
That is all.
Friday, February 10, 2012
This is Quinn Riya Knox. She is 8 months and 6 days old. She is my best friend's daughter, and I love her as much as I would love my own kid. She is the most beautiful baby, with big brown eyes and the cutest smile you have ever seen. I can always count on her to brighten my day. It has been amazing being able to watch her grow every day, she is so smart and such a happy and pleasant baby. I just want her and her mommy to know that no matter what happens and no matter where I end up I will always be there for you! I know that your mommy will raise you to be an amazing little girl, and I can't wait to watch you grow. Those boys better watch out, because Quinn is going to be a heartbreaker.
I love you guys! Thank you for letting me be part of your happy little family.

To read more about their mommy and daughter story, click here to view The Chronicle of Mommyhood!
Thursday, February 9, 2012
This cute old lady is my grandmother (please excuse my semi-intoxicated smile, this was a photobooth photo taken at my sister's wedding). She is the only grandma I know that owns a pair of purple uggs and hot pink tennis shoes. She is 84, 85 in October, but you wouldn't really know it. She drags me to the mall frequently and is a busy body almost every day of the week. Even though she is a BIG pain in the butt (don't let her sweet looks fool you) I love her.
It has been 6 years since my grandpa died, which is so unbelievably crazy because I could have sworn it was just yesterday that he was here. I miss him and think about him everyday, but it just reminds me to appreciate the family I do have- even the ones who may sort of be a pain.
When I was 3 years old we moved in with my grandparents while my current house was being built. Being young and getting to live with not only your immediate family, but also your grandparents was the best thing a little girl could hope for! I lived there until I was 5, but after we moved out I never stopped going there. I spent a lot of the nights with my grandma and grandpa "in the blue house" (my parents used to differentiate my grandparents by the colors of their houses- grandpa in the blue house and grandpa in the green house haha). To this day I still spend the night with my grandma, and last year I basically lived here because my school was so close to her house. Even though she drives me crazy, I do enjoy being able to spend time with her and I'm thankful that I still have a grandparent to hang out with.
My grandmas house is a blue ranch. When I think of comfort, I think of this house. There are all sorts of different mismatched furniture and little trinkets around the house and there are always 4 kitties who greet you when you walk through the door. My grandma has 1 female cat, and 3 male cats- Callie, Hilton, Grouchy, and then there is Gus.
Gus is the weirdest cat. But I love him so much, and I am not even really a cat person. I can always count on him to keep me company when I stay at my grandmas, in fact he is laying on me right now while I am trying to type this.
Cutest cat ever right?
Please note his permanent little dirt stash :-)
Anyways, I just felt like dedicating a post to my grandmother. My crazy grandma, whom I love.
*The blog post title is my grandma's license plate "see susie go". My grandpa made it up for her a while back.
Friday, January 13, 2012
Guess what, you ladies and fellas out there...it's almost valentines day! You have a month to get your sh*t together and come up with an awesome gift idea. I'll admit, valentines day is a total hallmark holiday and it is lame. But I love to give presents, and with my new crafty mindset I am psyched about making a few gifts this year! Although I won't be able to celebrate on the 14th, I will be going to Mississippi on Feb. 25th and we will be celebrating then! I already came up with some ideas.
My big idea:
Fossil watch!
My big idea:
Fossil watch!
Little Ideas:
Found at Pinterest.com
Little love (paper) fortune cookies :-). Super cute and super easy!
Handmade gift box. I'm thinking I might do something sort of similar to this, to put all the little goodies in!
Chalkboard mug! A great use of dollar store coffee mugs, and its a great idea for my coffee drinker :-)
Felt hearts...just because they're cute!
Cute homemade card ideas!
My favorite part about all these homemade ideas, is that they are all so cheap and easy but still really cute and fun! Looks like a trip to Michael's is in my near future!
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